Colleges & Universities



is committed to supporting rhythm community events and artists in the development of rhythmaculture around the world. REMO World Percussion generously contributes 300 drums and percussion instruments of many types and sizes for each Village Music Circles event. For more information about Remo, Inc., please visit the Remo page.



Village Music Circles™ College & University Events

Student Orientation    Celebrations    Festivals

Since 1987, Village Music Circles™ has created dynamic and fun-filled drum circle experiences for students in colleges and universities across the nation. These community-based drumming experiences utilize extensive rhythmical, drumming, and group facilitation techniques developed by author and master facilitator Arthur Hull, founder of Village Music Circles.

In a Drum Circle Spirit event, a Village Music Circles facilitator leads a group through an interactive community drum circle experience. Participants express themselves collectively using a chorus of tuned drums, percussion and vocals to create music together while having a great time.

A celebrational event by Village Music Circles is designed to bring together large groups of people with diverse backgrounds to experience the unity and community created by interactive group dynamics. Everyone can participate, regardless of musical background. Participants need only be ready to have fun playing music with others in a high volume, hands-on, rip-roaring community drumming circle. Magic happens even for participants who feel they are rhythmically challenged.

A Drum Circle Spirit event will long be remembered for its ability to empower people to use their own rhythmical spirits in a playfully cooperative, interactive and fun-filled celebration.

What Village Music Circles Provides:

  • Facilitator: 1 expert Village Music Circles facilitator.
  • Drums: Use of 300 REMO drums and percussion instruments.
  • Village Music can facilitate larger events, providing rhythm instruments for up to 2,000 participants.
  • A Fun Time: A two-hour fun-filled community building Drum Circle Spirit event.
  • A Hand-Drum Workshop: An entry level workshop covering the universal principles of hand drumming from various cultures (advanced arrangement required).
  • Promotional Posters: 50–11 x 17 full color Drum Circle Spirit posters with camera-ready promotional art for flyers. You insert the time, date, and place of your event.
    * Photo-Ready Art: A contact sheet of the Drum Circle Spirit poster for reproduction of 8 1/2 x 11 black and white fliers.
  • Community Outreach (where applicable): The Village Music Circles organization is networked into the national hand drumming community and can assist in local outreach support for any community wide event.