The Rewards of Becoming A Rhythm Event Facilitator

The Rewards of Becoming a Rhythm Event Facilitator
by Arthur Hull
Every once in a while, someone writes to me saying something like, "I'm coming to your training to learn how to be rich like you.”
When that happens I send that person back a letter similar to the one I have posted below. I share it with you to read and ponder...
The Rewards of Becoming a Rhythm Event Facilitator
Dear _____
I am in communication with you because you have expressed to me, a desire to use your rhythmical abilities as a foundation for learning how to be a drum circle facilitator. That interests me.
Know that if you are not already on the drum circle facilitation path, then you will not be able to walk out of my training and immediately be supporting yourself financially through rhythm event facilitation.
The Village Music Circles™ Playshop training is a starting place for an amazing journey of personal growth and professional development, but if it's just $ you want to make with your rhythmical talent I would suggest that you look elsewhere.
Drum Circle Facilitation skill development is something I and other mentors can help you with. But it is also something we can't give you, and you can’t really buy those skills at a training. You will have to learn it and earn it on your own merits.
Whether you know it or not, you will soon find out that being a DCFacilitator means that the better you get at that job description, the more you become a Community Server and “Rhythm Care Giver." That is the nature of the beast.
The more you facilitate rhythm-based events as a community server, the more you get to discover and challenge your own integrity and commitments.
If you have read my books and watched the training video, then you realize that becoming a DCFacilitator is a never-ending personal development journey, with new lessons waiting for you in every circle that you facilitate.
Those lessons concern Honesty, Rapport, Congruency, Presentation, Awareness, Adaption, Trust, Relationship, Integrity, Sharing your Bliss, Walking your Talk, Being in Service, etc.
I always say to my students that you get to meet yourself in the middle of the circle. There, you also meet your courage and your fears, your strength and your weaknesses, your knowledge and your ignorance.
The center of the circle is where the real learning takes place. A three-day or six-day drum circle facilitation training will get you started, but my trainings are really “Learning how to Learn” trainings. They do not automatically make you a drum circle facilitator. You do that.
It is my experience that in becoming a DCFacilitator, you are entering your own, never-ending, learning-how-to-learn training. By embracing that learning-how-to-learn consciousness, you will eventually move towards becoming an “Elder in Training."
DCFacilitation is not an easy job, and at first it won't pay well. But there will be many rewards that you will receive for your service that you will not be able to put a price on.
So first, start humble. Even after attending the training, know that there is a lot that you won’t know, that only you can learn for yourself by stepping into your own circles and facilitate human potential through rhythm.
As you slowly gain knowledge through experience and move towards unconscious competency, you will be able to develop an organizational identity and create for yourself, a dependable income by being a professional rhythm event facilitator.
But become rich??
The experiential riches I have received by becoming a Rhythm Care Giver have far exceeded any financial reward given to me for my services.
In time, the job description of a drum circle facilitator will pay the rent, but after all the years that I have been doing drum circle facilitation, I don't have a mansion.
Life is a dance... Arthur