Hawaii FAC Assignments

Pre-Program Assignments

Greetings Facilitators, We are looking forward to an exciting Playshop of facilitating rhythm and community. Here are your assignments, should you choose to do them. They are optional, but doing them will augment the Playshop’s activities for you. I look forward to sharing our knowledge and spirit with each other when we meet in the circle. Get plenty of sleep before the program starts.

See you there!... Arthur

The following are the Playshop assignments for reading, writing and drum circle lists...

Reading Assignment

READ the book: Drum Circle Facilitation – Building Community Through Rhythm by Arthur Hull. Pay special attention to Chapters 4, 5, and 9.

Writing Assignment

All of the following writing assignments are due at the beginning of the program and will be shared with the group unless you put the word “Private” on the top of each page submitted.

  1. Write a one-page biographical essay with a photo of you attached to it.
  2. Do the ‘Mission Statement’ writing assignment on page 78 of the book: Drum Circle Facilitation. This should be one-page long and handed in at the start of the Playshop.
    If you are not yet facilitating rhythm-based events, then skip the following writing assignments. If you are currently facilitating rhythm-based events:
  3. Write one-page or less on the subject “my best drum circle” using the critique technique on page 108 of the book. Include your biggest learning.
  4. Write one-page or less on the subject “my worst drum circle” using the critique technique on page 108 of the book. Include your biggest learning.

By doing these assignments, you will turn your training into a launch pad for community service through rhythm...

Drum Circle List Assignment

SUBSCRIBE to the list and “learn” (read without responding) for a day or two. This will help you get in touch with the vast international facilitators’ community.

To join the International Drum Circle List, email a blank message to:

Percussion Equipment

BRING a bell, a shaker, and a wood block or clave. Bring other “sound” percussion if you have them (Tibetan bells, rain sticks, gong, ankle bells, etc.).

BRING at least one drum. Bring more than one type of drum if possible. Example: one large hand drum like a Djembe, Conga, or Ashiko, and one small drum such as a Talking drum, bongo, or dun beck. We also will need Dun Duns, surdos, and base drums.

Please let us know in advance if you need a drum. We only have a few we can provide.

For the Closing Ceremony

STRING... Please bring 3 feet of colored string, or ribbon for the closing ceremonies, “thicker than thread but thinner than rope”. As you select your string, imagine it being connected to all of the other facilitators’ intentions and work in our drumming community as we continue to serve our growing “rhythmaculture”.