After Germany and Before Scotland
After the Germany DrumAbout I spent my annual week with James Asher in his brand-spanking new studio. Great Musicical/Rhythmical Alchemy! AHHhhh… (a report will be forth coming).
Then, with my Whisky Mentor, John Hagedorn, and my drinking buddy, Paul Dear and our “Spousal others” we went on a 4-day, 7 distillery tasting tour in the misty Scottish island of Islay (a fuzzy report on that will be forth coming).
After I sobered up, we all met Jim Boneau at Wiston Lodge in the midlands of Scotland, and we started our 10-day Mentor program.
Because of a special logistical situation, Jim could only facilitate his 'Amazing Mentor Magic' into the first four full days of the Mentor program before he had to leave.
We left the Menorting the Mentors in the capable hands of Dr. Jane Bentley with Paul Dear, as my wingman, who is now supporting me in the facilitation of Basic 6-day program in Scotland.
Steve Hill is always doing the detail administrative magic to keep all the parts and pieces of our Playshop together.
This program was "Sold Out” way back in June, so we were to select a well balanced and full complement of Mentors, Challenge returnees (about 50%) and Basic Playshop participants.
With 50 people from 13 countries in our 6-day program, (Scotland, England, Sweden, India, Australia, Spain, Turkey, Malaysia, Italy, USA, Germany, Lithuania and the Czech Republic), are here in the woods in the lords massive, "Upstairs-Downstairs” hunting lodge which is situated in the fantastic fall colors of the woods at the foot of Tinto Mountain.
And we are having a ball.
Wish you were here... Arthur
6 School Teachers
8 Music Teachers
12 Drum Teachers
6 Music Therapist
10 Elderly related Professionals
6 Adults at Risk Professionals
12 Kids at Risk Professionals
16 Special Needs Professionals
16 Corporate Facilitators
3 Psychotherapist
12 Infant/Toddler Facilitators
6 Doctors, Nurses, Healthcare Professionals
21 School Rhythm Event Facilitators
32 Community Drum Circles Facilitators
3 Drum Makers
14 Professional Musicians
26 People Connected to Non-profit organizations
All Recreational Drummers
Life is a dance... Arthur